Nintendo of Canada communications director Matt Ryan, has explained that the Wii Mini was designed to keep costs as low as possible.
To keep costs low, and to provide a console with a release price of $99.99, Nintendo has decided to not include online functionality, an SD card slot, nor backwards compatibility with GameCube games.Speaking to Polygon, Ryan explains that, "we want the system to be as affordable as possible to everybody, and the widest audience possible. By taking out functionality, that allows us to keep the cost down."
Ryan says that "there are gamers who have not bought a Wii yet, and there are gamers who have a Wii and want a second one for the cottage, or the chalet, or whatever, who actually don't need the online functionality." It is these consumers that Nintendo is targeting with the Canada exclusive Wii Mini, set to launch this Friday.
Justifying the reason for not including online functionality, Ryan states, "a lot of the Wii experiences, and there's over 1,400 of them that are disc-based Wii games, don't require online functionality for you to have fun."
The Wii Mini has been designed for families, late adopters, or those who aren't much of a gamer. This target market isn't looking for an online experience, and as Ryan states the Wii Mini "isn't designed for the player who's looking to have an online experience."
When asked if Ryan was worried about it launching so close to the Wii U, Ryan said he wasn't as they are "fundamentally very, very different products."