
CaH4e3 updated his site with the following message:
- Prince of Persia (Translated Title)(R)[!]. Till the end of this world, another bunch o trash arrived last two months. Nothing special, but anyway... First of all, another russian translation from 1994 year of the same old "Prince of Persia", but this time, not only text translated, even title screen translated too. And as opposing to the known internet translation, it was done much much better.
- Zanac (FDS Conversion, Whirlwind Manu)(Unl)[U][!], Green Beret (FDS Conversion, Kaiser)[U][!]. Next, two more FDS conversions from Taiwan. Zanac by Whirlwind Manu differs from the Kaizer version floating on the net. It's using another mapper of course, and actually have only 4 playable levels, so this conversion is rather unfinished or reduced. Another dump of "Green Beret" has made, but this time is not Whirlwind Manu version as dumped before, but Kaiser version. Mappers surprisingly mostly the same and there is no visible differences in gameplay, but data itself is very different.
- 150-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p2][!], 1994_Super_HIK 14-in-1_(G-136)[p1][U][!], 300-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p1][!], 4-in-1_(OK-411)[p1][!], 450-in-1_(Mapper_202)_[p1][!], 6-in-1_(MGC-023)(Unl)[U][!], 2000-in-1 [p1][!]. Finally, some more multigame crap.

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