A lot of sites in the Wii Scene are reporting that reviews of the recent Cyclowiz and Wiinja modchips have lead to false claims and its even claimed that the review of Cyclowiz was false because of no proper installation pics.

The term Yellow journalism is being thrown about, which i gather means that slagging one modchip off and throwing all your support behind the other.

The news of the Wiikey Modchip has really opened up the talk, especially with the claims it makes via its specs.

My advice to all is to wait and see what proper review sites make of which is best, personally i want a Modchip that is extremely easy to install, allows region free playback of my games and also the ability for Wii and Gamecube Homebrew, i am not interested in piracy whatsoever as this kills the industry.

So dont believe all you read at lesser news sites