With the Kickstarted Ouya now very much on the way, you might think that the Android Console market was all sewn up.
Apparently not.
Seattle based start-up (and CAPS LOCK nightmare) eSfere Entertainment claims to have designed “a unique video game console that will allow people to play their favourite Android games at high quality from the very first minute”.
The machine will apparently have “strong technical specifications” and ship with a wireless touchpad controller. The idea behind this is that it will be instantly compatible with games designed for Android smartphones – something that could still prove an issue for Ouya’s traditional joypad.
“Developers will not need to worry about re-adapting their games specifically for this machine,” the official release reads. “It will keep the touch controls inherent to mobile gaming, but the action will jump from 4", 7" or 10" devices to large screen displays.”
More details about the machine will be released tomorrow.
