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No, it's not a joke! After all these training games, it was inevitable (perhaps you don't know but, roughly ten training games get released by companies other than Nintendo for every one that is endorsed by dr. kawashima). DS Therapy has the subtitle 'mainichi kokorobics', a conjunction of the words 'heart' (kokoro) and 'aerobics', this 'daily heart aerobics'. The game has you answering quizes in a 'light hearted' manner, and then you're diagnosed based on the latest psychological research, or so says developer Dimple Entertainment, creator of adventure sims, largely. Theoretically it should track your progress as well.

The game is planned for a may release at 4,800 yen, and features character illustrations by kaorin wakamatsu. They actually do seem to have consulting psychologists on staff, but this is still quite odd to me.