A new report from DisplaySearch indicates that Apple is aiming to reach total iPad shipments of 100 million by next year.
Apple’s new iPad was initially intended to replace the iPad 2, but on-going strong sales have led to panel manufacturers downscaling new iPad panel production while maintaining production of iPad 2 panels. The report suggests Samsung, LG Display, Sharp and Innolux will ship 23 million iPad 2 XGA panels, and 47 million new iPad QXGA panels.
“Panels for iPads are known to be hard to make, not only because of the high resolution and low power consumption requirements, but also because the wide viewing angle and high colour saturation specifications require additional photomask steps in the manufacturing process,” said DisplaySearch’s David Hsieh on the company’s blog.
“In 2013, it is likely that Apple will adjust its product portfolio to meet the strong demand for the iPad mini. We believe that Apple is targeting total iPad shipments of 100 million in 2013, half accounted for by the iPad mini, and 40 million new iPad and 10 million iPad 2, as production continues at least until the middle of 2013.”
Apple came in for criticism earlier this year following the launch of the iPad mini, as many deemed its $329 price as too expensive for a 7-inch tablet PC.
However, despite such criticisms, the iPad Mini was recently voted one of the hottest consumer products of 2012 in Japan, while Apple is asking panel makers to ship over 12 million in Q4 2012 to meet such high demand.
