Bizarre Creations has updated its website with a tiny update about where the Liverpool-based company is with work on Project Gotham Racing 4.

"The internal team we have here at Bizarre are pretty familiar with the routine now; everybody knows their place and is really getting on with it at a speedy rate. We've seen a couple of excellent new technologies make their way into the game... of course you'll hear more about these in due time.

"Oh, and just to clarify: the X06 trailer wasn't gameplay. It wasn't representative of what we've got planned for the style or locations in the game itself. You won't see outer space racing or anything like that! We have changed our design emphasis slightly from previous titles though... I think we're going to surprise a few people with PGR4!"

Bizarre also offered word that we could see the top secret project 'The Club' in the coming weeks. "We've been 'running dark' with The Club for a long time. Info and screenshots are rare, and public gameplay footage is non existent. But don't worry... that's all going to change very soon. We've already given a couple of press days to some select print journalists, and online media will follow in the next few weeks. Personally I can't wait to blow the lid right off, and introduce you to the full game!"

via cvg