MCV runs through the biggest releases and events that will grow the industry over the next 12 months.
1. Grand Theft Auto V
Watch out Call of Duty, the previous ‘biggest entertainment launch of all time’ wants its crown back. Rockstar has drip fed information about its next game to the media, with a mere screenshot able to send Twitter into meltdown. Expect the hotly anticipated open world action game to break records when it launches in the spring.

2. The next PlayStation and Xbox
Nintendo may have kicked off the next generation with Wii U, but this year will all be about Sony and Microsoft. Expect major reveals from the two platform holders of their next home gaming machines – most likely around E3 in June – and who knows, maybe we’ll get at least one in time for Christmas. Just what the High Street needs.

3. Kickstarter projects come good
It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that the number of crowdfunded video game projects skyrocketed in 2012. So far, pledgers have only been given the promise. This year, we will finally see the first projects come to life that have been funded by crowdfunding platform Kickstarter. Expect a few failures, too.

4. Destiny
The development team behind the Halo franchise is back with a new multimedia behemoth, Destiny. Little is known about Bungie’s multi-game project, which sees Activision on publishing duties.

5. Tearaway
LittleBigPlanet developers Media Molecule are working on the most intriguing Vita game so far. Tearaway looks fantastic and utilises all of the handheld’s control schemes.

6. Beyond: Two Souls
The team behind the critically acclaimed Heavy Rain returns with this PS3-exclusive story-driven adventure starring Ellen Page.

7. The Last of Us
Uncharted developer Naughty Dog delivers something new in this cinematic post-apocalyptic survival action game.

8. Watch Dogs
It wowed critics at E3 and Ubi is billing this as their next big franchise. The game is from Assassin’s Creed studio Ubisoft Montreal.

9. Fuse
EA is releasing this four-player co-op shooter from Ratchet & Clank and Resistance developer Insomniac. It’s due in March.

10. Remember Me
French developer Dontnod is playing with memories in its cyberpunk, third-person action game. It’s due in May.

To see the full list of 50 Things to Look Forward to in 2013 check out the latest issue of MCV magazine. To subscribe to MCV magazine (physical) click here, to subscribe to the online versionclick here or to check out the iPad version click here.