2006's rumour that ZX Spectrum 2D shoot-'em-up JetPac is heading to Xbox Live Arcade has re-emerged.

The latest word on the revival of the classic is pointing to the website for USK (the German monitoring organisation of entertainment software) where the product JetPac Refuelled is listed, with Microsoft named as publisher. The game's described as an arcade shoot-'em-up.

A call to Microsoft turned up nothing new and no confirmation on JetPac Refuelled, but with JetPac original being developed by Rare - albeit under the developer's former moniker Ultimate - Play the Game - and the recent news that the developer is to focus on Xbox Live Arcade games, things are starting to add up for a Live Arcade outing.

JetPac was released in 1983 and saw a jet-packed space man attempting to construct a spaceship, fill it with fuel and blast off from a planet surface while under assault from a variety of bizarre enemies.

via cvg