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Thread: 3.02 Pops Loader problem on a 3.03 TA-82+ down/up'ed to 3.03 OE-C

  1. #1

    Default 3.02 Pops Loader problem on a 3.03 TA-82+ down/up'ed to 3.03 OE-C

    I have a 3.03 OE-C PSP with the 3.02 POPS loader plugin running. I have no problems with it, it works perfectly fine, and makes games like Suikoden II work better than the 3.03 POPS.

    Recently, a friend of mine purchased a used 2.5 PSP. I upgraded it to 3.03 (Official) and used the 3.03 Downgrader to bring it down to 1.5. The downgrader did have to patch the motherboard, so the PSP had a TA-82 or higher board in it (not sure if this is a factor). I then upgraded it to 3.03 OE-C.

    It works fine, except for one hitch. A PS1 game (Suikoden II) loads and plays fine with the default 3.03 version of POPS, but after copying over the 3.02 POPS loader files and activating it in the Recovery Menu, attempting to load the game locks up the PSP, after showing the Warnings screen but prior to showing the Playstation logo.

    I deactivated the plugin, and the game loaded fine, so I reactivated it, and experienced the same problem. As I said, the plugin and the ISO are known good, because they work fine on my PSP.

    Is this a problem associated with the 3.03 downgrader? Has anyone else experienced this problem? Is there some particular point I'm missing that should fix the problem?

    I really have no clue whether it's the downgrade, the mobo, remnant files left from the downgrade on the PSP flash, or what, but any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro hodgy47's Avatar
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    It wont be remnant files left from downgrade coz have just said there is no need for the flash cleaner you can up and down without poblems. you could try extracting the iso from eboot and re-converting it in the 3.03.oe popstation but if it loads in 3.03 without the plugin why cant you just play it there?

  3. #3


    It loads in 3.03, but you can't really play too far. The 3.03 POPS can't seem to decode the videos in Suikoden II (3.02 POPS can), which means about an hour into the game, where a video is integrated into a battle, the game locks. Also, I know Noobz said there is no need for a flash cleaner, but if I'm not mistaken, that's only because they said there weren't space issues on Flash, not because there were no remnant files. Also, as I said, the ISO is not faulty, nor it's Popstation conversion, because it plays fine both on my PSP (on 3.02 and 3.03 POPS), and on my friends (under 3.03 POPS), just not on his with the plugin enabled. Any ideas, anyone?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro hodgy47's Avatar
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    May be worth putting a request out for noobz to release a flash cleaner anyway just incase this is the problem if i were you i would pop to their site an leave a request for it apart from that it has me confused too sorry.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I dged a 3.03 TA-082 using the dger and i cant get any plugins to work on both 3.03 OE-C and 3.10 OE-A'.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Lets see, the 3.02 files for that popsloader need to be sig-checked, which is different for every PSP.

    after copying over the 3.02 POPS loader files
    It sounds like you are using files from you memorystick/PSP which would explain why it doesn't work for your friend. You should dump the firmware sig-checked on your friends PSP and try again.

  7. #7

    Red face

    Thanks for that solution. I'm sure you're correct in diagnosing the problem, as you're right about me just copying the files from my PSP to his. Fortunately, not too long after posting this, DAX released the multi-loader for POPS for 3.10 OE-A, which does exactly what I need better than the 3.02 plugin, so both my PSP and my friends are now updated to 3.10 OE-A running the new plugin, which works great for both of us. Thanks again, though.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    oh yeah, didn't notice this thread was over a week old, lol

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