As the blockbuster-packed Q1 takes shape, EA is ensuring that Dead Space 3 and Crysis 3 stand out with ‘triple-A’ marketing campaigns and pre-order incentives.
For Crysis 3, EA and developer Crytek have readied a special ‘Hunter Edition’ of the title, and is also running a series of pre-order initiatives with retailers.
Select stores can offer the Brawler Pack or the Stalker Pack to retailers, while EA is offering the Overkill Pack via its EA Origin download store.
But EA’s big retail promotion is available via GAME.
“We have been running a pre-order incentive with GAME where any consumer that pre-orders Crysis 3 will also receive a free downloadable copy of Crysis 1 for the platform of their choice,” said Will Graham, senior product manager on Crysis 3.
“Obviously Crysis 3 is of significant importance to EA and Crytek and will have the heavy weight above-the-line campaign to support the more core elements.”
Crysis 3 and Dead Space 3 will also benefit from significant above-the-line activity, with TV and digital advertising part of the mix.
“As one of EA’s first new titles of the year we’ll be launching Dead Space 3 with a triple-A campaign across TV, online and at retail,” said Alice Brandvik, product manager at EA.