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Thread: PS3 or a 360?

  1. #41
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhizzBang View Post
    1) It is very noisy. You have to have your tv volume up very loud to cover the noise and this is not always an option if you live in a shared flat
    2) Most of the games are rubbish*. This is probably also true of the PS3 at the moment but the only XBox 360 game that I think is truely great is Oblivion which is also on the PS3.
    3) It crashes sometimes. Not often but at least once every 2 months or so, and I don't use it every day. I have never owned a console before that would just freeze at random

    In it's favour, XBox live is good and there are some very nice cheap games you can get from xbox live. Also, the controller is very nice.

    I don't know much about the PS3 so do not know how noisy or liable to crash that is, but I doubt it is as bad as the XBox 360.

    *I say this because I am not interested in First Person Shooters much. I find them boring. Halo was nice, but the sequel got boring and the third one looks like more of the same to me.
    1)You must have got one a 5 days before its release. Not sure how, anyway. I got one at release and it is noisy, but not even noisy enough to be noticed.

    2) You and Bushnell should be best friends.

    3) I've had a new 360 (yep, my first one broke, piece of crap that it was) for about 5 months now with no freezes. The first models were pretty horrible in regard to hardware issues, but the new models are practically flawless.

    The PS3 has 2 good exclusives on the horizon (or the universe, seeing the release dates are so freakin' far away). until they get at least 5 good exclusives, my thoughts toward the console are closed.

    I mean GOOD exclusives, not just exclusives.

  2. #42
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kramer View Post
    I had a Wii but got bored of it...
    Same here; I sold my Wii. I have to admit it was disappointing. But then again I've lost a lot of interest in videogames over the past year. The Wii was only really fun if you play 4 player in Wii Sports or Wii Play. I couldn't find much of a satisfying single player experience. I was looking forward to Super Mario Galaxy, but then again I didn't really care at all for Super Mario Sunshine, so Galaxy could be quite disappointing too. If in a few years the Wii had some good games I missed out on, I will probably be able to pick one up cheap. A lot of my friends also have been bored with their Wiis.

    On the other hand, I'm having enough fun with my Xbox 360 and modded PS2 that I'm satisfied. And my Live account has been expired for a while. The games I'm looking forward to are Guitar Hero III, COD4, and a few XBLA games (Rez ftw.)

    Oh and how could I forget? Bioshock is one the best games ever.

  3. #43
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    WhizzBang there is soo many good games that are not shooters and are not expensive in example: beautiful katamari ($40usd New) , viva piņata ($20 New), kameo elements of power ($15usd used), saints row ($30usd New), dead rising ($30usd New), lost planet ($30usd New). its funny cuz some of these games get ported to ps3 and they still charge like $60 for them.

    I am so glad I have a 360 and a ps3 but to tell you the truth I mostly use 360 since games or soo cheap for it! If you think 360 is a FPS console u really don't own one or u are clueless of the list of games. Btw resistance was worth getting a ps3

  4. #44
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    I like my 360.

  5. #45
    XBOX 360 User Kramer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SSaxdude View Post
    Same here; I sold my Wii. I have to admit it was disappointing. But then again I've lost a lot of interest in videogames over the past year. The Wii was only really fun if you play 4 player in Wii Sports or Wii Play. I couldn't find much of a satisfying single player experience. I was looking forward to Super Mario Galaxy, but then again I didn't really care at all for Super Mario Sunshine, so Galaxy could be quite disappointing too. If in a few years the Wii had some good games I missed out on, I will probably be able to pick one up cheap. A lot of my friends also have been bored with their Wiis..
    I felt the exact same way it just got boring unless you where playing multiplayer with a couple of friends, I will probably buy it in 2 years or so when it's super cheap and has a few decent games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'n 1time View Post
    I like my 360.

    lol good on ya:thumbup:


  6. #46
    DCEmu Old Pro cal360's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrooksyX View Post
    Get a Xbox 360, here are my reasons why:

    *Better exclusive Titles: (Halo3, GOW, & many others)
    *Many PS3 exclusives are coming to the 360 (Metal Gear Solid 4)
    *Xbox Live
    *10 X more 360s then PS3s have been sold so more people to play with.

    *HALO 3!!! (this is a good enough reason to get a 360)
    I go with BrooksyX I own an xbox 360 and it's the best console ever nothing can beat Xbox Live and most of the games for the xbo 360 are absolutaly stunning.

  7. #47
    DCEmu Regular WhizzBang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pibster View Post
    WhizzBang there is soo many good games that are not shooters and are not expensive in example: beautiful katamari ($40usd New) , viva piņata ($20 New), kameo elements of power ($15usd used), saints row ($30usd New), dead rising ($30usd New), lost planet ($30usd New).
    Well I really enjoyed Katamari on the PS2 but is the Xbox controller as suitable, with both sticks not being parallel, I wonder if it plays as well.

    Viva Pinata doesn't really appeal to me.

    I have played Kameo at a friends house and did really like that so I will pick that up soon.

    I did own Saints Row but I thought was dreadful. One of the worst games I have ever had the misfortune to own and I gave it away to someone who later agreed it was awful.

    I had Dead Rising too for a while and that gets boring very quickly once the novelty of using objects from the scenary as weapons wears off.

  8. #48

  9. #49
    Puzzle Solver JPJunkie's Avatar
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    I have the same problem

  10. #50


    Sigh... i dont understand why you guys cry about what console is better... everybody has a diffrent taste you have ppl that hate xbox and PS but love nintendo you have PS lovers that hate xbox and nintendo and same for xbox lovers that hate nintendo and PS put you also have ppl that like everything (like me) i self like any console i like xbox and 360 i like ps 1 2 3 (getting ps3 for cristmass ) i like nintendo (N64 is my fav console of them all together with 360) and i like pc's (who doenst ) so why discuss about what console is better... every1 has his own taste

    Ojea i forgot there are also ppl that love psp or ds or whatever portable device (i got both psp and DS ) (yeah yeah i got alot of consoles its true :P)

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