Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures developer Funcom is aiming to support cross-platform adventuring between PC and Xbox 360 with its MMORPG.

Revealing that the developer is "toying around with many different solutions" to cross-platform action, Conan product manger Erling Ellingsen went on to explain possible options in an interview to be published shortly.

" is having some shared servers and some servers that are not shared - simply to give players the freedom of choice. What solution we actually do end up with is something we will have to reveal later".

However, before any eventual solution to cross-platform is reached, numerous hurdles will have to be overcome.

"There are several issues with mixing people on the same server. Will they be able to communicate well enough with each other? Will the console users be less responsive than the PC users? There are many issues that must be addressed," Ellingsen said.

via cvg