Bungie is allowing Halo 3 gamers to mute any player they find annoying by a simple press of the Back button.

The latest Bungie update included some actual useful information this time: "Anyone who's played MP on Xbox Live knows the following is true: Teenagers, plus anonymity, plus microphone = idiot. The 'A-Hole Button' in Halo 3 lets you exact instant, silent vengeance. These kind of vocal buttmunches, as it turns out, are exactly as fun to play against as normal people, as long as you can't hear them."

Any fool can do it too, "you simply press a button (back button, for the moment anyway) and up comes the score list with everyone's tag on it. The right stick lets you highlight the miscreant and you can then instantly mute them for the rest of the game. These morons continue smacktalking anyway because they can't help themselves, but if you don't have to listen to it, you can simply enjoy killing them over and over again, knowing that as their Ritalin wears off and their frustration builds, it's less and less fun for them. Aaaah. So satisfying."

That's us muted then...

via cvg