Women are stereotypically associated with fancying men in uniform, but sales of calendars featuring hose-wielding firemen could begin to slump as females make room for a new ardour – the 'techno-sexual'.
That's right, computer upgrade site Crucial.com has found that 59 per cent of women admire guys that know how to fix and upgrade technology, ahead of 49 per cent who like men that are knowledgeable about cars.
The rise of the techno-sexual has encouraged 40 per cent of men to exaggerate about their tech know-how, such as embellishing their ability to repair devices in order to woo the dames.
However, it's seemingly easy to get caught out, with 80 per cent of women never believing those that are all mouth and no action. 60 per cent of those surveyed wish they knew more about tech, compared to 33 per cent for cars, 28 per cent for property, 17 per cent for music, 14 per cent for fashion, and 11 per cent for sport.
Roddy McLean, a computer upgrade expert from Crucial.com, said: “Heroes today are becoming more Mark Zuckerberg than Jeremy Clarkson, as our busy lives become increasingly dominated by our use of technology."
