iOS developers could be losing ground on Android competitors.
Android app revenues could be set to jump 43 per cent, according to a Distimo report.
Distimo’s global survey of app store activity during the past four months of 2012 revealed that Apple’s App Store experienced an aggregated daily revenue increase of 21 per cent, while Android revenues grew by 43 per cent.
However, the news follows reports from earlier this week that more than 435,000 new apps are primed to hit Apple’s App Store throughout 2013.
Figures made available via adeven’s free online tool – – revealed that 559,764 new apps were released into the App Store last year, with November boasting the biggest number of new releases (39,313) and July being the slowest with just 22,483.
“We reviewed App Store results over the past five years and noticed a steady linear increase in the number of App Store apps, indicating that there will be over 435,000 new apps in the App Store by the end of 2013,” said Christian Henschel, CEO, adeven. “Naturally anything could happen to the industry, but we think these numbers are a fair prediction and an indication of the continued growth in the industry.”