More details on the 4th Modchip we posted news about last night,

via liquidice

TCNISO has announced their plans to release an open source / open architecture Wii Modchip. The chip, among other things, will allow you to unlock Gamecube Homebrew on your Wii.

The Wiip is going to be available for a mere $20 retail (and that includes shipping!) and will appear in their online shop around 2/27/07.

Also, the schematics, code, and software will be available so you can make one yourself for less than $10!

From their site:
"This mod works by utilizing a cheap and simple microcontroller that communicates with the serial port of the Wii's hybrid DVD drive and overrides certain parts of the media's data stream.

The most important part of this project, is that it is open source! In addition to releasing the Wiip chip, on this page you will soon be able to download the PCB schematics, Wiip firmware and documentation! We hope by creating this project, other users will make modifications to our code for newer updates in the future (if needed)."

More news as it comes in