Crack open your piggybank for these new mercenary-powered screenshots from Warhound, a PC and Xbox 360 FPS where you play a, ah, mercenary.

Developed by Techland (responsible for PC shooter Chrome), the game's set in present day and finds you executing a variety of operations around the globe for governments, businesses and organisations while climbing the ladder of mercenary stardom.

Achieve the highest rungs and you're rewarded with the most killer contracts around, and during the course of events you can tailor your character to particular fields of operation. Depending on your choices made in this regard, new paths of opportunity are opened up, apparently.

Once you start reaping in the cash for successfully completing missions, you can purchase weapons, equipment and intelligence data which can be used to plan missions. And throwing in a bit of replay value, completed missions can be tackled again with a random factor providing variety.

It all sounds a bit Hitman-ish to us. Check out the new screenshots and see what you think. Warhound is currently pencilled in for a Q4 2007 release.

Screens Here