Nintendo president Satori Iwata has said that the company has “not yet fully communicated the value” of Wii U, and it is not planning a price cut.We reported yesterday that city analysts are increasingly urging the platform holder to cut the price and release more major titles to maintain momentum, after Nintendo released disappointing sales figures and cut its forecasts in its latest financial report.In the financial briefing which followed, Iwata addressed the concerns directly, saying: “With Wii U, we have taken a rather resolute stance in pricing it below its manufacturing cost, so we are not planning to perform a markdown. I would like to make this point absolutely clear.”“However, given that it has now become clear that we have not yet fully communicated the value of our product, we will try to do so before the software line-up is enhanced and at the same time work to enrich the software line-up which could make consumers understand the appeal of Wii U.”He added later that the more complex Wii U system has been more difficult to sell compared to the simpler DS and Wii.“It is now clear that many consumers have not understood its product value. We would like to work thoroughly for its penetration.”“Both the Nintendo DS and the Wii have finally become highly-appraised platforms. The Wii attracted people at a glance, but it took us a rather long time to have many people understand the value of the Nintendo DS. The Wii U has a lot of factors appreciated by users, including the possibilities of the Wii U GamePad and Miiverse, and we are confident that it will have high sales potential once they are familiar to more consumers.”“We hope to change the situation from now and make a drastic improvement before the latter half of the year starts.”