Intel has revealed that it will show off a new range of dual-core Android smartphones at Mobile World Congress.“Specifically, Intel will showcase its latest smartphone technologies and devices running the Android platform, including a new dual core, dual graphics platform, as well as OEM- and service provider-supported devices based on the company’s new Intel AtomTM Z2420 platform targeted at emerging markets,” the company said in a release.Earlier this week, PCR reported that Intel is planning to release an entry-level smartphone aimed at developing markets.The Yolo (sigh) will come with the 1.2GHz Atom Z2420 chip, as well as a 3.5-inch screen and Android OS - although the firm is yet to reveal which version of the OS it will ship with.Intel’s schedule also noted that the firm is to showcase new tablets and ultrabooks at MWC, which takes place from February 24th to 28th.