Konami has released the first official details regarding downloadable VR Missions for Metal Gear Rising: Reveangeance.
The publisher has confirmed that VR Missions will be delivered to the Platinum Games-developed action spin-off as a DLC pack containing 30 missions - and it'll be "PlayStation exclusive" in North America.According to the announcement, the DLC's PS3-exclusivity is only effective in US - indicating that gamers in Latin America, Europe, and Japan will be able to buy the DLC on both Xbox and PS3.
Missions will range from "combat training, tactical maneuvering, stealth-based approaches and more ... in original stages not seen the in the game's campaign" explains Konami.
You'll be able to take control of Dwarf Gekko in the VR Missions.
The announcement made no mention of the character-specific DLC stories which reports last week claimed were in the works alongside VR Missions.
