Microsoft has a number of unannounced new intellectual properties in the works.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Jonathan Browne, a senior product manager and planner at Microsoft Studios, has helped bring four unannounced new IPs "from the very early concept phase through green light to production".Having joined the company in November 2010, Browne says he has served as a key contributor in planning the platform holder's three year first party portfolio.
The smart money is on the aforementioned projects making up the first wave of new Microsoft franchises for Xbox 720, which is expected to launch later this year.
Microsoft Game Studios Vancouver, which was recently rebranded as Black Tusk, is working on the company's "next big entertainment franchise", according to manager Mike Crump.
"We're not working on an existing franchise, we're looking to build the next Halo here, for example, which is really exciting," he said last November.
Last May the online CV of an art director at Black Tusk seemingly let slip that one of the projects in development at the studio is "a core AAA shooter experience using Kinect".