Eric Chahi's seminal game work, Another World, is now available on BlackBerry 10 devices (so ... uh, those of you with a Z10, though it also works on PlayBook). And not just any version, but the 20th Anniversary Edition, which adds updated graphics, a remastered soundtrack, and some gesture controls. The game's one of several titles that publisher DotEmu is bringing to BB10, including notoriously difficult shooter R-Type. "Another World 20th Anniversary is our first title on Blackberry. It's currently available on Playbook and Z10, and in the upcoming weeks on Q10," DotEmu CEO Xavier Liard tells us. As for the future? "Of course we are considering bringing all our Android games to BB10, but the next game to be most likely released would be R-Type." Given that DotEmu also publishes Neo-Geo titles on Android, it's not a surprise that the company is also considering bringing those titles over, though there's nothing to announce just yet. "We can't say yet if it will be on BB10 or not as it is SNK Playmore decision," CTO Romain Tisserand says.
With Another World priced at $5 -- a dollar more than its iOS version -- we expect similar pricing across the board. But then again, we always hope it'll be less expensive to re-buy 20-year-old games. The price of nostalgia, eh?