A competition posted on the official Capcom website has set readers the task of petitioning for the developer to localise Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 3 for the US, hinting at the coming of another sequel.

This comes as a surprise considering no prior announcements have been made.

To enter the competition, contestants have to use a provided comic-book template to devise a case for why they think Ace Attorney 3 should be released in the US.

Three winners will be selected based on creativity and humour, and prizes include Ace Attorney figurines and lapel pins.

CVG contacted Capcom for confirmation, who said: "We can neither confirm nor deny the existence of Ace Attorney 3."

However after the success of the first two games, and this hint coming from none other than the official Capcom website, CVG consider it a safe bet that Capcom will continue the franchise with another sequel.

Meanwhile, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All will be released in Europe on March 16.

via cvg