A 29-year-old woman discovered her iPad had been stolen following a commute on the Eurostar from Paris to Kings Cross St Pancras. She swiftly alerted the police of her missing tablet, who then proceeded to track it via the Find My iPad app.
It turns out the pinched £800 Apple gadget was being held hostage in Bromley-by-Bow by two men aged 27 and 28, who were arrested by officers on arrival. The crooks are currently out on bail pending further investigation, while the victim will be reunited with the device.
PC Michael Richman, of British Transport Police, said: "Thanks to the victim activating the tracking app, officers were able to recover the iPad and arrest two men in connection with the theft.
"These applications, available on many smartphones and tablets, can help owners protect their belongings and can also be very useful in helping us narrow down an item’s location, increasing the chance that a potential thief will be caught."
A similar scenario happened a year ago when the boys in blue used 'Find My iPhone' to locate robbers that attacked a 15-year-old.
