Remember those times when developers would lash out at console transitions? It seems like a lifetime ago now.
And all Sony and Microsoft had to do to change their opinion was make them wait seven years before releasing a new console.
So delighted at the belated PS4 reveal is EA that EA Labels president Frank Gibeau has declared that “transition is our friend” and promised that the publisher will hit the ground running when the PS4 arrives later this year.
“Yesterday Sony unveiled the PlayStation 4, signalling that after seven years, gamers will be treated to a massive leap in technology, creativity and fun,” he wrote.
“For EA’s creative teams, this transition comes as no surprise. We’ve been investing and innovating on new technology for months. Console partners who have seen our early work agree, EA’s next-gen software is nothing short of astonishing.
“And every bit as impressive as the console initiative is the way our teams have pivoted to capture the mobile phenomenon. EA has established a clear leadership position on both the iOS and Android systems and we’ve set new standards for business models and gameplay.
“Console transitions are a complex and challenging experience. I’ve helped navigate several and agree with an old saying we have at EA: Transition is our friend. All the trend lines are converging to reward the creative and financial investments we have made in mobile and console technology.
“We have never been more ready or more excited about what comes next.”