An 'Autoupdate' for Halo 2 is being released by Bungie today as the developer continues its efforts to present fans with a ship-shape multiplayer battlefield to enjoy. A number of cheat exploits, bugs and glitches are being addressed in the update, and Bungie has also taken the opportunity to balance the game's weapons in both Live and system link play.
Melee damage, grenades, the Magnum pistol and the SMG-Plasma Rifle dual wield combination have all been tweaked by the developer, which has handily posted a complete run-down of all the changes on its home on the internet. Fans would do well to check this out, as Bungie also explains the reasons behind the changes here and talks about the effect they'll have on the all-important Halo 2 leaderboards.

In related news, Halo 2's imminent expansion is teasing us with its wares once again thanks to a 3D screenshot of new level Containment.
Explaining what's shown in the screenshot, Bungie says: "...Tinman and Sketch thought they were making the perfect flag run. They threw the switch, took out everyone in the base with gauss fire, grabbed the flag, and was back out before the gate had time to close. However, Shishka had a plan. Well, no I didn't. What I did have, though was a Scorpion. And with that, I taught Sketch and Tinman about Containment's own special brand of pink death- the large land mines scattered about the level."