Xbox 360 might have only dipped a toe into the MMORPG waters to date but developer Funcom is confident that its forthcoming Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures will be a success on the console.

Product manager Erling Ellingsen reckons this is because of how well the game "sits with the action-oriented audience".

"We have just as high hopes for this version of the game," Ellingsen continued in an interview with CVG. "Combat in Age of Conan is dynamic, real-time and hands-on - something that will make it work much better on a console than what has been possible with other MMOs."

Ellingsen explained that the Xbox 360 version of Age of Conan will release after the PC version - which is out October - but was keen to point out that a separate development team is focussing on the console version of the MMORPG.

"It's important to note that this is not going to be just a port from the PC, but we're actually going to great lengths to make a tailored version for the Xbox 360", Ellingsen said.

via cvg