Following the failure of Dead Space 3 to reach sales targets, EA has reportedly axed the title's sequel, whilst shelving the franchise entirely.
VideoGamer understands that Visceral Montreal had already begun work on the new title, generating prototypes and ideas for Dead Space 4.
However, EA swiftly axed work on the title after "visiting Visceral Montreal to inform staff that the project had been terminated and announce details of the company's restructuring".
Dead Space 3 also came close to cancellation during its own production but ultimately survived following a number of budget cuts and adoption of micro-transactions late in the game's development.
Despite the reports, EA has remained tight-lipped on the news and decline to comment.
Whilst launching in February and debuting at the top spot in the UK chart, sales of Dead Space 3 were down 27 per cent on the franchise's previous entry.
EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau suggested last year that Dead Space would need to sell close to five million copies in order to maintain its future.