The latest research report from KGI Securities claims Apple is on track to unveil its iPhone 5S in June.
Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes the firm will also reveal a lower-cost iPhone and iOS 7 in June.
“We expect Apple will introduce its new iPhones and iOS7 in June, and start shipping the new iPhones (5S and low-cost model) in the FDD version in July. Both dates are earlier than last year’s roadmap. We attribute this to: (1) an effort to avoid repeating the fatal mistake of last year of the delayed iPhone 5 launch, which gave competitors room to grab market share; and (2) the new iPhones this year are mainly designed on the basis of the current iPhone 5, which suggests development time could be reduced,” said Kuo.
KGI Securities suggests that one of the main differences between the current iPhone 5 and the new 5S will be the addition of a fingerprint chip under the Home button ‘improving security and usability’.
While Kuo’s iPhone claims are very similar to the ones he laid out in his 2013 Apple product roadmap, iMorehas reported that sources familiar with Apple’s plans have revealed that the iPhone 5S will not be released until August. The publication was also told that the next-gen iPad might be released as early as April.