New NPD data shows that while core gamers are embracing digital distribution, the method hasn’t overtaken purchasing new and used physical copies of titles at retail.
The analysis group’s survey found that while 70 per cent of respondents purchase full digital titles frequently, a higher percentage prefer heading to the shops or buying physical goods from online retailers.
78 per cent purchase used games with regularity, while 88 per cent say they typically buy new games via retail. The report adds those surveyed spent an average of $129 on new physical titles during the past holiday quarter.
"Digital purchasing among core gamers has plenty of room to grow," said NPD analyst Liam Callahan in a statement. "While many core gamers indicate they are purchasing full games and digital add-on content frequently, there are those that stated they have never purchased digital content."
The 6,322 core gamers surveyed spend at least five hours a week playing traditional genres on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, or Mac. According to NPD, 14 per cent of the US population over the age of eight falls into the “core gamer” category – which works out to 37.5m people.