UK online games retailer ShopTo has cut the price of the basic Wii U console by £60 (about 25 per cent) following disappointing sales of Nintendo's latest system.
ShopTo is offering the 8 gigabyte White Basic Pack for £190 - while the Black 32GB Premium pack is on sale for £280. This discount offer follows retailer Asda's decision to cut the price of both models by £50.CVG understands that the Wii U trade price has not changed, however. It was previously claimed the trade price for the basic model was £205, meaning that - if the number is accurate - retailers are selling the systems at a loss.A stuttering start to the Wii U launch has placed pressure on Nintendo to offer more appealing software as well as lower stock prices.Wii U games accounted for about 1.6 per cent of total UK software sales in January, and it has been estimated that North American Wii U sales came in between 45,000 and 59,000 units during the same month.Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot recently pledged to continue supporting Wii U, but said: "We think Wii U is a great machine. It just has to sell more."In January, Nintendo lowered its annual Wii U sales forecast from 5.5 million units to four million following weaker than expected demand for the console.However, company president Satoru Iwata moved quickly to rule out the possibility of a Wii U price cut.