As if we didn't already have enough cryptic next-gen info to pick over thanks to, now Microsoft has sent out a media invite for its grand pre-E3 Xbox 2 unveiling on May 16 - and it's packed with clues.
Reading between the lines of these invites and the website they refer attendees to, it seems that the Xbox 2 may well be called Xbox 360 (a notion that has been gathering pace like a post-piss Paula Radcliffe for some time now), will feature something called the 'ring of light', and will employ a white, grey and green colour scheme.

The first thing that strikes about the invite is its enthusiastic use of rings and circles in its design. This is becoming an increasing trend in Microsoft's Xbox 2 marketing, suggesting that the 360 moniker is the one to put your money on.

This concentration on the circle may also offer clues as to the design of the machine itself. Should we expect a circular unit, or just lots of circles and rings built into the Xbox 2's body?
The 'ring of light' connection is a little more mysterious. This phrase has been doing the rounds for a while now and shows up in the Flash animation intro for the online media registration site (we've taken some screens for you to spy). Is it another Xbox 2 design feature? Possibly a circular light that rings the console when the power is on? Or just more illuminated circles on the console's body?

The colour scheme malarkey is thankfully a little easier to understand. Talk of a white console and matching controllers has been cracking for weeks and the exclusively white, grey and green colour scheme of the press invite and website seems to confirm these rumours.

In addition to all that, the website also chucks a couple of enigmatic phrases at you. "Amplify everything" seems to be a reference to the console's increased power and support for HD audio and visual equipment. "Hit reset on your reality" suggests Xbox 2 will be unlike anything we could have expected or thought up.

You can check out the media registration website here.

Of course, all this could just be more column-inch stealing tomfoolery from a Microsoft marketing campaign that's already storming the imagination of gamers. We'll find out for sure on May 12 when Microsoft reveal the Xbox 2 on MTV, and we'll find out even more at E3.

In the meantime, do you remember a little next-gen console called PS3? It seems to be getting forgotten in Microsoft's marketing wake, so we sincerely hope Sony have something major to bust out at E3...