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Thread: Perrin Talks about Wii Games, Online and the death of the Cube

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    Rev Perrin Talks about Wii Games, Online and the death of the Cube

    news via vooks

    In an interview by GameDaily, Spin Master Perrin Kaplan talks about the Wii, its online features, third party support and the GameCube. Kaplin talked about how in the upcoming months between January and June, there will roughly be 27 games coming too Wii and that’s not including the oldies scheduled for the Virtual Console.

    Perrin then went on to discuss the Wii's online services stating that "“Some of that friend code stuff (for online game play) is really built for the mass consumer, not just the gaming world…" she then she had this to say "I think we feel pretty confident about our position; at the time online comes [to the Wii] I think people will be pleased with it." After that she talks about how the "hardcore" gamers aren't happy with anything and can't have it come fast enough.

    She also talked about how the Wii's third party support is the best Nintendo has seen since the SNES. Why are all the 3rd parties jumping onboard the Wii train? "I think they’re inspired by the remote and I think they’re inspired by the simplicity and fun of what it is we’ve been able to do, and I’m sure out of that comes some learning. We all learn from each other."

    Probably the most interesting part of the interview would be the fact that Perrin tells us that the GameCube is discontinued. Yes, you read right, the GameCube is officially dead. Nintendo aren't planning to build any more GameCube consoles and after what is in their current inventory is sold, that’s it, no more Cubes unless you find one second hand.

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  2. #2
    XBOX 360 User Kramer's Avatar
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    No more gamecubes, dont they still make Super Nintendos.


  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    and they never released the pink cube that was shown before launch, and let sony beat them with ps2 and psp.

    and with new ps2 and xbox being sold for £50 how could gamecube compete.

    Hoping Kuru Kuru gets updated and released on Wii.

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