news via hexus

I've had my Xbox 360 since day one and have never had an issue with hardware failure. I must be one of the lucky ones, because across Xbox forums and over Xbox live we've all heard numerous reports from frustrated gamers who've had to send their consoles in for repair due to overheating issues and freezing problems after the comprehensive Autumn update.

The huge Fall update, which consisted of 85 new features and enhancements,was released on October 31st adding a host of system upgrades including HD 1080p video mode support over VGA and component cables and Xbox 360 Wireless Headset support. Every since the update, the Microsoft help-desk was apparently inundated with callers who have been experiencing problems with their consoles. The console problems weren't exclusively related to the update and there are still reports of consoles failing that were produced in one of the first 2005 batches.

I know plenty of people who've sent their consoles back, but normally they've been returned in full working order and they haven't experienced any further problems. But, if you think you've had it bad, spare a thought for Rob and Mindy Cassingham who despite considering themselves to be loyal 'fan boys' of the console are now at the end of their tether with the numerous problems and the failure from Microsoft customer services to replace their machines; instead they've been refurbishing them and sending the same console back.

The couple bought 4 Xbox 360's from the Zero Hour launch event in the US, where Microsoft debuted the console and afterwards bought a further two consoles from their local store. After a short period, the four consoles that were bought at Zero Hour died and were sent back to Microsoft to be refurbished. Nearly a year and a half later and the couple have now had to send back their seventh unit. Talking to Mercury News, Rob Cassingham said, "When it comes back, I'm going to sell it. I have 12,000 achievement points (rewards for exploits in games). That's a hard thing to give up. I gave up cigarette smoking, so I've been through worse. I've had game systems since the Coleco machine. Intellivision. The first machine I had was the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. I have never had to send any of them back. The gaming experience has been wonderful. And Xbox Live is great. But the reliability of this thing . . .Why spend money for rims on a car that spends 90 percent of its time in the shop?''

The Cassinghams were urged to contact Peter Moore, the Corporate Vice President, who sped up the complaint and as a result the couple have finally been promised a brand new Xbox 360. "A new 360 was all I really wanted in the first place, but after two failed attempts dealing with Microsoft's overseas call centers, I am very annoyed that it took an e-mail directly to P. Moore to get results -- assuming that they do, in fact, ship me a new 360," said Rob.

He continued by saying, "How do I feel it is turning out? Frankly, I'm conflicted. I am just so gun-shy about the reliability issue. One part of me wishes, when my 360 arrives(?), to immediately sell it and all of my 360-related schwag and put the money into a gaming PC. Another part of me wants to keep the 360 (and absolutely get the extended warranty) and I don't want to turn my back on my LIVE arcade titles I've purchased. I still feel like a chump.''

So, the bottom line is, if you're having no luck with Xbox customer services, email Peter Moore..oh and don't buy a console from the unlucky Cassinghams if you can help it.

Microsoft still claim that the Xbox 360 failures are within industry averages and Peter Moore maintains that he shouldn't be contacted for Xbox 360 issues, phone Xbox support instead!

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