Battlefield developer DICE already has a winning formula for multiplayer, but it aims to prove that with this year's sequel, Battlefield 4, it can create a single-player campaign to match.
DICE's Creative Director Lars Gustavsson told press attending a special presentation at its Stockholm, Sweden studio this week how the developer hopes to achieve this.As reported in CVG's Battlefield 4 preview, the developer wants to address the linearity of BF3's campaign by transitioning the open-ended approach of its online mode to set pieces in the main campaign of BF4."If we can deliver on that, while telling you great story where you don't care about anything except finding out what comes next - I'd want that," said Gustavsson."And since you're steering the direction of what's happening with the new set of tools you're using - hopefully you'll be so connected to it, you'll come out of it and say 'I want more'. That's my hope and dream," he said.A short gameplay demonstration showed the player able to either destroy an enemy jeep or shoot the driver and commandeer it.The demo also showed the player's ability to issue squad orders, in this case requesting suppressing fire on the jeep.CVG's man on the ground also praised the game's visuals. "Shown in HD - running on a PC - on a full-size movie screen, Battlefield 4 is an incredibly immersive piece of work. The newly tweaked Frostbite Engine conveys a real sense of place presented through the lens of a high-octane movie," Nick Cowen said in our preview.