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Thread: New Code Contribution

  1. #401
    DCEmu Pro
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    Codaz: yes, because PSP-290 version has to be compiled for FW3+, generic (Holux etc.) version for FW1.5. Also, the generic version needs access to library for serial port, etc..

  2. #402
    DCEmu Newbie
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    thanks Nieko for the motivation, but with my poor english i think i will not explain my ideais in a proper way ...and i'd love to contribute with some code

    i will get some time (i hope) to look at the code... maybe i can understand it and try to change it, than i will share it here for your apreciation... and maybe you all, including Deniska, will like it

  3. #403
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hey mapthis coder i`m a happy mapthis user and i think it´s the best application for psp in this time.But i know thats the coder thread.My suggestion will be a possibility to implement a hookupfunktion in the poifilemenue.I think thats a usefull function.So you can choose which poifile mapthis show you.Sometimes i need two files together.Or in another time i need another poifile together.For example one time gasstations and redlight(camera) or other mcdonalds and banks or so.I hope you know what i mean .

    I hope its possible.Thanks all.

  4. #404
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airwave View Post
    Sometimes i need two files together.Or in another time i need another poifile together.For example one time gasstations and redlight(camera) or other mcdonalds and banks or so.I hope you know what i mean .

    I hope its possible.Thanks all.
    Why not just concatenate them in one file?
    You can have up to 10 different icons (poi types) per file

  5. #405
    DCEmu Newbie fak3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deniska View Post
    Why not just concatenate them in one file?
    You can have up to 10 different icons (poi types) per file
    the problem is for large files.. i concatenated 3 type of poi in one file that's 1 mb or something and mapthis always froze when i try to load it

  6. #406
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    There is probably an error in your POI file (check format; make sure that all icons are present; etc..)
    I have a few 2+MB files which seem to load ok for me

  7. #407
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nieko View Post
    GoDE: if you can tell me how you compiled it, I can try it out . I'm using the latest PSPSDK and toolchain from SVN under Linux.
    In the moment i am working with Cygwin under Windows.
    I only change the makefile to Generic and compile it.
    I also have toolchain from the SVN.
    I think there will (hopefully) no difference between real linux and cygwin.

    Here is the compiled GENERIC version from Nieko's package !
    See :
    You have to copy this eboot to his Niekos package which is copied before to the original 5.01 MapThis :-)


    /* Edit */
    Have tested and works for me (Autozoom not tested).
    Add the following example lines to your config (if not is alo no problem)

  8. #408
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default MP3 Mode


    First of all big thank you til Deniska and the other code contributors for the excellent MapThis application.
    I use Mapthis on a daily basis together with PSP-290 (with cable) and find it just awesome.

    Anyway since I also like to listen to my music while driving (via a FM transmitter to my carstereo), I really missed the possibility to play music in MapThis.
    I know there is a collection of excellent CFW plugins to play music in games and homebrew, but they all have an ackward key setup/logic. Which is really hard to use when driving (don't really want to crash my car :-) ).

    So I've took the opportunity to add a MP3 Mode to Mapthis. Allowing my to press "Circle" while in normal modus and enter a MP3 Mode within MapThis and "remap" some of the buttons to a mp3 player (allowing me to single press for play,pause, next song etc...).

    This MP3 mod has the following key configuration:
    - CIRCLE: to enter MP3 mode (when in normal MapThis mode, also exits from MP3 mode back to normal mode. It will keep playing in "normal mode", but with no "mp3 bar" at the bottom. But the song info message will show upon song changes)

    - CROSS: play/pause
    - SQUARE: stop
    - TRIANGLE: random mode (this one is buggy now, bad random code)
    - LTRIGGER: previous song
    - RTRIGGER: next song

    The MP3 Mode just scans your ms0:/MUSIC dir and creates a playlist of all the mp3 files found and then per default plays them sequential.

    It will show album art picture if it can find a "folder.png" in the mp3 folder. This feature is a bit buggy and it only supports file named "folder.png" and if the picture is bigger than 90x90 it will "crop" it.

    However MP3 mode seems to be working pretty fine and Mapthis seems to be able to handle both background play of music and GPS navigating.
    So I like to share the code with you and hopefully you will find it useful as well. Maybe I also get some feedback allowing me to improve it.

    For the developers, I've added two new files:
    - carStereo: handles the basic mp3 playback via mp3player.c
    - id3: simple mp3 file ID3 tag reader from "sakya". (I found the source over at pspdev forums).
    - I've change the mp3player.c a bit and main.c, however I added comments for every change I made (look for FxSlin)
    - I'm not a C developer and I havn't programmed C programs since school days. Which you folks probably also will see
    in the code and e.g. how I been struggling with "char and string logic". So any suggestions/corrections is more than welcome.
    (I'm a Perl,PHP, Java, Javascript developer, in case you wonder).
    - I'm also a bit worried with the mp3 threading thing, I need to look into that to see if I can improve the that (make it lighter).

    I've only tested it with "3.52 M33-4" firmware (fat psp) and I still need to test it properly with my PSP-290.

    - actually test it with PSP-290 in a car.
    - improve the code.
    - improve the random song selector.
    - improve the playlist generator part (this one is not good)
    - improve threading part
    - improve album art logic
    - create better separation from mapthis code, making it easier to integrate with different version of mapthis.
    - all stupid bugs I might find.

    I'm releasing this "mod" under the same license as MapThis (if possible).
    And I will not take any responsibility for what this "mod" might do to you PSP (sorry, had to say it).

    - Deniska
    - MIB.42 for the mp3player (All I needed todo was to create the GUI, thx to this)
    - All the other code contributors to MapThis
    - All the developers who released the source for their PSP homebrew
    (allowing me to peek and perform "quick copy and edit" of code and learn a bit)
    - The developers of PSPSDK and the members over at ps2dev (psp) for posting so much code to learn of.

    I've added a few screenshots:

    Sorry for my english and hopefully this post makes sense to you :-)

    Did some testing with PSP-290 in the car, its working (found heaps of bugs tough). But it seems a bit sluggish, mapThis didn't run well on 110Mhz. Think I'll be looking into using the psp hardware to play the music.

    FxSlin (alias fxpsp)

  9. #409
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by deniska View Post
    Why not just concatenate them in one file?
    You can have up to 10 different icons (poi types) per file
    Right Deniska thats the easier solution .But i use mapthis very often. I´m not lazy but thats could be save time when i load a new directionroute and my watch is tic tac.

    Another chance are for In7ane when is possible to take some kind of function in GMDL. Generate your routes with your wished pois.
    Makes easier and easier.My opinion.

    mapthis go forward! mapthis go future!:thumbup:

  10. #410
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default MP3 Mod (for generic)

    :thumbup: Congratulations fxpsp,
    good idea to implement mp3 directly.

    I have compiled it for GENERIC and test a little bit.
    When you switch between the zoom levels the audio has a little break, not so good for implementing autozoom later.
    When you press "Select" to close MapThis from the map selection and audio is running, my PSP (3.52#4 M33) is going down completely.
    Better to stop play mode before closeing MapThis.
    When you are in Map/MP3 Mode, Play a track (Cross), Stop Playing (Square = "No song playing ..."), switch of MP3 Mode (Circle) and press select to go back to menu the Audio is started again.


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