The controller used with Microsoft’s next-generation Xbox is nearly identical to the model that ships with Xbox 360.
That’s according to Kotaku, which has word from sources that both the new console and its controllers are currently in the hands of developers.
The only noticeable difference is said to be the size, with the new pads coming in slightly smaller than the existing model. Crucially, however, Microsoft isn’t adding any functionality – unlike Sony, of course, which amongst other things has added a touchpad to the new Dualshock.
Part of this undoubtedly will be down to the forced inclusion of Kinect, which Microsoft will presumably continue to press as an added input for gaming.
Interestingly, each device is covered with a zebra-like design that is understood to be individual to each unit – thus any leaked pictures can be tracked back to their owners.
Elsewhere online, GameStop boss Paul Raines told GamesIndustry that he is familiar with Microsoft’s machine.
"We've been spending a lot of time with Microsoft, but we have to let them take the lead on this, but it will be a very hot, compelling device,” he stated.
“They are doing some really cool stuff, and I'm eager to hear them start their announcements because I think the world is going to stand up and take notice."
MCV revealed yesterday that high-level gaming execs have, contrary to some reports, been briefed on the new console. But all are bound by some of the strictest NDAs ever agreed to.