The next game in the Shin Megami Tensei series will be coming to Europe courtesy of Koei, who has announced a 27th April release date for the PS2 RPG.

SMT: Devil Summoner - Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army will feature a more action orientated experience than previous titles, introducing arcade-style combo attacks in addition to magical and special abilities deployed in a familiar RPG fashion.

You'll play as Raidou Kuzunoha The 14th in early 20th century Japan, taking on the role of detective in what appears to be a straightforward kidnapping case, but naturally turns out to be much more. This dark and intriguing storyline coupled with your ability to stun and capture progressively more powerful demons is what will make Devil Summoner another essential purchase, Koei reckons.

"Games as impressive as this one deserve to reach a wide audience across the globe and this only serves to strengthen our position as a leading publisher of first-rate RPGs in Europe," said Naoki Katashima, senior vice president of Koei Europe.

via eurogamer