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Thread: Paradox Loader Coming at Euro PS3 Launch

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    ps3 Paradox Loader Coming at Euro PS3 Launch

    Team Xecuter posted this in an interview:

    * Soft-Mods: It seems like you guys have some knowledge about the upcoming Paradox Loader, can you share some of that with us? What firmware versions it will work on? How it will boot? And if it is a full blown exploit?

    * Team Xecuter: Just wait till the European release of the PS3. imsure more will happen around then.

    Lets hope a breakthrough for PS3 Homebrew is coming

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Anonymous D's Avatar
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    homebrew would make it worth buying

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular Xiofire's Avatar
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    Homebrew on the PS3 would be good, especially with the 60GB hard drive. Would be good to be able to play R:FOM and switch to DGEN or something like that. Cant wait for this

  4. #4
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Oh yes, it sounds like it will be possible to run homebrew on the PS3 in some time from now. Brilliant news to hear!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro mavsman4457's Avatar
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    This is a large reason that I bought a PS3. If someone can intertwine the exploit for homebrew and a Linux OS then it would be incredible. If we had as much customizability on the PS3 as we do on the PSP then we could have a Linux OS that allows for full use of the Cell and the RSX as well as being able to launch PS3 games from Linux. Once that is acheived on the PS3, the sky is the limit and the only thing left to do, as is pretty much the state with PSP, is to continue to bring in incredible homebrew and not as much the hacks.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend
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    For anyone hoping this becomes I reality, I'd like to share with this. It may not seem like much, but if its accurate it ties in a paradox member with our PSP homebrew scene: and frankly, I was pissed when I read it myself, as it seems that PSIX was all a scam...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lupin
    I cant reveal my source nor has he really played with the PS3. But he is a credible and knowledgeable coder on PSP and PC (more so on PC/MAC) and through talks with him we came to this as a possible way of dispelling the Ferrox loader. remember this is just how it could be done not to say it is or not.

    Custom bootloader written for PPC that just loads whichever PS3 is in the BD Rom drive at the time. First option does this and the second options is a dummy. If this is a case I have it from sources even a mediocre coder with basic Linux/Boot Loader and PS3 knowledge could pull it off. IE jacked the code from the dumper and worked with it.

    Also the MC forum users go to see this you can too if you want:

    (6:10:14 PM) Lupin: this naoneo/fluff correct?
    (6:10:26 PM) xanxion: and this would be lupin?
    (6:10:36 PM) Lupin: no the name just says that for fun
    (6:11:04 PM) Lupin: and this would be an inquirery regarding the alleged PS3 ISO Loader
    (6:11:12 PM) xanxion: yep, real.
    (6:11:30 PM) Lupin: why isnt it released then?
    (6:11:48 PM) xanxion: because the guys who coded it used the official sdk
    (6:12:31 PM) Lupin: that seems hard to belive sense their are already protocols setup for devlopers to release using Offical SDKs
    (6:15:47 PM) Lupin: also I would like to hear what you thinks the odds are of UPS not only delivering the wrong package of an official dev kit, but also delivering it to someone who know how to startup some PS3 piracy with it
    (6:17:57 PM) xanxion: the comment about ups ****ing up isn't one of beneficial relivance
    (6:18:39 PM) xanxion: that is to say, the developer in question who wrote ferrox, was waiting for the shipment of the updated dev unit, which never arrived
    (6:18:54 PM) xanxion: even though ups tracking confirmed it had been signed for and collected
    (6:19:57 PM) xanxion: subsequently the developer in question was fired from where he worked under suspicion of stealing it, hence writing the loader on the old dev unit
    (6:20:37 PM) xanxion: sony have not updated otherOS functionality since 1.10, if thats a hint
    (6:20:39 PM) Lupin: that may clear that up but it doesnt change the fact that there are ways for people to release illegal code without fear of being revealed
    (6:21:08 PM) Lupin: anyone who has spent 2 days in the XBOX 1 scene knows this
    (6:22:28 PM) xanxion: that may be the case, but they have their reasons, as i have mine
    (6:23:24 PM) Lupin: what reason would someone have in showing off an application that everyone knows people are waiting for and then not revealing plans to release it or releasing it instally?
    (6:23:52 PM) xanxion: a good question, feel free to ask paradox that same question sometime
    (6:24:19 PM) Lupin: I would be his track record and that of TeamX arent as tainted and jarred as yourd
    (6:24:20 PM) Lupin: s
    (6:24:56 PM) xanxion: depends on the perspective
    (6:25:19 PM) Lupin: I belive anyone who is familiar with you from the PSP scene would agree
    (6:25:57 PM) xanxion: ah yes, the grand psix, where we charged a fee for beta access, not exactly the best of arguments to bring up
    (6:26:11 PM) xanxion: you know i was only the graphical designer for this project yes?
    (6:26:21 PM) Lupin: yes
    (6:26:46 PM) Lupin: and many argue that you are no more then that but you seem to be adding your name to this project/app as much as you can
    (6:26:52 PM) xanxion: the coder, after having bought himself a macbook pro with the takings, pretty much stopped working on the project, which is why i got pissed off with him and released the source code publicly.

    (6:27:58 PM) xanxion: as for taking credit?, i found the vuln
    (6:28:24 PM) xanxion: i don't claim to have coded the loader, not will i say i have when people ask
    (6:28:55 PM) Lupin: right some people and to a lesser extent myself feel this is all a pack of lies and a way for you and who else to squeeze a little more time in the sun out of a new scene
    (6:29:25 PM) Lupin: some even go as far to say you are just editing the paradox loader and posted the video of it
    (6:29:35 PM) xanxion: really, because you know, i couldn't care less about being e-famous
    (6:29:53 PM) xanxion: i bring the video as a hint to other developers who may be attempting the same
    (6:30:15 PM) xanxion: take it with a grain of salt, if you think it's bull****, fair enough, if not then thats fine too
    (6:30:43 PM) Lupin: I hope this to be true and I greatly encorage you to urge whomever you represent to release the application at least in some demo form
    (6:31:21 PM) xanxion: i wot be releasing it, thats for sure, due to where i now work, if they do or not is up to them
    (6:31:26 PM) xanxion: just as it is with paradox
    (6:32:00 PM) xanxion: the video i feel is just as believable as words in an nfo, however i opt for video because i have no nfo in which to hint
    (6:32:26 PM) Lupin: all right well thanks for your time and yadda yadda yadda

    I like this session because it doesnt pant her in a positive or negative like imho. Enjoy and discuss.
    I bolded and underlined the points that apply to the PSP community... Considering this information, it seems unlikely to me that Ferrox is anything more than faked out youtube videos.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro mavsman4457's Avatar
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    Well that sounds very discouraging but we've waited a long time for this, some of us at least, so we might as well wait four more days to see for sure if it is real or fake. Call me naive but I'm not jumping to any conclusions yet.

  8. #8
    PS Beta Tester & Mod DPyro's Avatar
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    I wouldn't quote QJ as a reliable source. Plus the fact they were talking about another loader and not Paradox's. Paradox is a well known hacker group because their reliable in their info and releases. Don't be using some chat logs from QJ or where ever to discredit them for another loader that may or may not exist.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend
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    I am not trying to discredit anyone; just sharing the word. I'd be as happy as a pig in $#@! if homebrew was brought to the PS3.

    But I brought this here for two reasons: 1)To share it and 2)To see if anyone else had any insight.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Not that I agree with it... but paradox is a reputable hacker team. Paradox and Ferrox loader have nothing to do with each other...


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