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Thread: PS3, Xbox 360 to hammer Wii in console war, says analyst

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games PS3, Xbox 360 to hammer Wii in console war, says analyst

    An analysis report on the current console war leading up to 2010 cites PS3 and Xbox 360 will dominate over Wii in all major territories.

    The report by Screen Digest's Ed Barton, forecasts that the leading console will differ for each territory, predicting the PS3 to overtake Xbox 360 in Japan and Europe, but come in a close second to Microsoft's offering in America.

    The analysis puts Wii in a significantly distant third in all three territories.

    In an interview with Gamasutra, Ed Barton explained: "The one thing I would admit is that Nintendo's strategy with the Wii is, at the moment, the great unknown," later saying: "The numbers that we're seeing now for the Nintendo Wii, they've come out of the blocks fantastically strongly - no one would deny that.

    "However it's incredibly early in the hardware cycle. There's still another five or six years to play out on this one, and the first big battleground will be Christmas of 2007."

    Barton cites exclusive third-party support as a crucial issue for Wii in the next gen war: "We've already seen things like Dragon Quest going exclusive on the DS, but if we see those kind of tipping points on the Wii, we'll have to amend our view, clearly. But at the moment, this is the view we're taking."

    Barton points out Wii's cheaper development costs to be a huge advantage but, considering the console's limited technical ability, Barton speculates, "As to whether more cheaply developed games can continue to drive Wii sales momentum, when you put it against the kind of game pipelines we're seeing for the Xbox 360 and PS3, I would argue that the jury's still out."

    via cvg

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    :rofl: isnt that what they said about the psp dominating ds? didnt happen then wont happen now.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie Demolition49's Avatar
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    Really dont think the ps3 can suddenly jolt its sales that much, nintendo is quadroupling it nicely with stock shortages. Although times will change, but i really dont see microsoft beating anyone. I guess thats just how i see it.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    i see the wii being the ds of home consoles and the ps3 being the psp of home consoles. the only difference is that there will be some real competition to the console playing the ds role: xbox 360.

    the fact of the matter is that the average gamer WILL NOT PAY $600 FOR A GAME! at this point in history the average gamer is a casual gamer and doesn't spend a whole lot of $$$ on games. nintendo clearly understands that and is using it. the 360 is ahead now but as soon as the hardcore gamers get on the wii band wagon they're screwed.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular mastersho's Avatar
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    Same here, I dont think the PS3 will beat out the Wii anytime soon. That may happen if all the world's games suddenly goes insane wanting to pay 60 Bucks( 60!!! that'a insane price yes!?) for a single game AND have the game take up a rather large postion of your HD space. For now the Wii has this so called "war" by the neck and,for now (i can't say either way but the Wii is still the champ) the PS3 cannot compeat.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Who the **** cares what those peaple say will happen in 2010? The wii is beating the PS3 and the 360 right now, thats for sure.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie lexluthor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jan 2006
    Analyst: 360 to maintain lead, PSP to pull ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by Jan 2006
    Analyst: PSP Will Increase U.S. Lead Over DS

    Quote Originally Posted by Sep 2004
    Some analysts, however, expects Sony's PSP, which is scheduled to be launched by the year-end in Japan and by March next year in the United States and Europe, to give Nintendo a run for its money.


  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    I see the Nintendo Wii definitly ahead in the next gen war. The PS3 sales will just never catch up to it. Grant it that the PS3 is a impressive peice of hardware and theres no debating that. The Nintendo Wii however appeals to all ages, also its captivating motion censor technology is inovating the way people actually play games. When i play bowling on Wii sports, i sometimes actually feel as if im at a bowling ally.

    In all the Wii will probally catch up to sales of the Xbox360 very soon. I hope to see some new additional channels along with various other things, namely more virtual console releases.

    On the homebrew note of these consoles. Im sad to say that i don't expect a outburst in homebrew development on a Wii. Im in no way dissappointed at that since i didn't purchase a Nintendo Wii for that purpose. I got it to enjoy commercial gaming that only the Wii could provide me with. I have a PSP for all the great homebrew stuff.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro joshisposer's Avatar
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    For the consumer, the Wii is good because it's a nice soccer moms safe fun system and also makes a nice novelty. Also, the PS3 is just such a bad system because oh no, its more than 300$ and apparently copied the motion sensoring and also shouldn't use the full 1080p because it is not safe because it makes the wii look like crap.
    If you can't tell, the Wii is wiitarded.
    The PS3 is not a gimmicky system but rather a continuation of systems that don't change everytime someone else might beat them. Sony did not copy the wii with motion sensoring, it had it on the ps1 by another company.
    Personally, i don't see the Wii lasting too long and i do see the PS3 lasting into the next generation. This is all because right now, the blu-ray disc has gone up to 200 gigabytes but isn't being used yet. The disc is still growing and many companies like using the disc. Don't forget, the PlayStation 3 is upgradable and same with it's harddrive.
    BTW, sales wise, sure the DS is winning, actual system specs and great homebrew and true fanwise, the PSP is PWNING.

    theice_man, notice how you say something about people jumping on the wii band wagon, you should rethink your words. Band wagon is for followers, sheep, and otherwise people who can't think for themselves and just want to be popular because they don't have their own right mind to help them realize things. The wii probably has this war by the ankles while the PS3 has this by the balls. One squeeze, you all sound like girls for an hour. That will be the longest hour of your life and no one is going to forget it.

    I notice that a lot of companies pick on Sony because for the fact that i think they are scared. When sony messes up, everybody just looks at that. It's just like the saying from god on Futurama
    Quote Originally Posted by partially
    When you do something right, you hardly get noticed at all
    In other words, everything is looked at wrong for the PS3 because of its greatness. When things mess up, people just look at that. Look at the 360 and Wii. How can the Wii last longer than 1-2 years and the 360 has heating problems sometimes and has a small disc. It doesn't have the smallest disc but it sure isn't even close to the PS3's. Not all of this came out how i wanted it to look but i just have a constant running brain so every now and then i catch up to it and have some of its ideas that i can finish.

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