Very simple. Just get ffmpegX (, an open source tool, and choose the PSP h.264 or MPEG-4 presets. Then do the following:
  1. Drag your video into the source box, or choose it with the Choose Button
  2. Set the output (it's a drop-down) to PSP h.264 or PSP mpeg-4
  3. Open the Video tab, change the bitrate to whatever you desire (though if you're running below 3.10 OE-A, you'll need to stay below 768 KbPS) and set the resolution to 480x272 (or lower, if you're using a different aspect-ratio. ffmpegX has a drop-down to adjust your horizontal res for you, based on the aspect ratio)
  4. Go into the Audio tab, and change the audio bitrate. The default is rather low.
  5. Go into Options and set the name you want to see in the XMB
  6. Click Encode, wait until it's done (you'll hear a ding)
  7. Copy to /MP_ROOT/10ANV101/ (or whatever)
  8. Enjoy.