via playnintendo

Alright, so unfortunately Husain himself wasn't able to post this story, but give full credit to him on the following:
So here are the questions asked:

1. So here's the big question; when will we be getting the full version of the browser to download on Wii?
2.The biggest problem (Which is still very small) to do with the Opera browser is that typing can be very slow (Especially for Novices). There was a rumor that keyboard drivers were a possibility. Does that stand?

3. A question asked by many is if the "safe zone" (Black bar above screen) will still be there in the final version. Can you tell us anything about that?

4. The browser has a very unique and natural sense of going online, with the exception of tabs. We noticed tabs were not on the Nintendo DS browser either. Is there a reason for why?

5. We know Flash 7 is used because it is the most offical version, but will Java be used in final version?

6. Will there be a wider variety of viewing media in the final version, or is Flash the limit?

7. Our last question is will there be any updates to the browser after this version, or is this it?

And here are the answers...
Hi Husain,
I can help you out with a few questions, but for the rest you'll have to wait for the final version of the browser to be announced, as we are under NDA with Nintendo.
First, I'm glad to hear you enjoy the browsing experience on Wii! We believe you'll soon find the browsing experience on Wii to get even better.
1) Opera and Nintendo are planning the release for the final
version of the browser for late March/early April.
2) You will have to check with Nintendo on their plans to offer a
keyboard. Opera would not be involved in this.
3-6) Cannot answer at this time.
7) The browser for Wii will be regularly updated.

Sorry about the limited answers, but it's the best we can do right now.
Thanks, Berit

Take note that the keyboard fact is still a possibility, seeing as Opera doesn't really have much to say about it. The release date now has a possible early "April" entry there (a bit different from the previously made solid "March" statements), and it appears that the Opera browser will have regular firmware updates... possibly for the keyboard function soon to be implemented?