It's a big day for Nintendo gamers tomorrow, with three highly anticipated games finally hitting store shelves.
Injustice: Gods Among Us is probably the best known of the three, with a marketing machine inundating us with non-stop celebrity "versus" commentary, character announcements and trailers galore. Entertaining, sure, but it feels like it'll never end.
Everything should begin to wind down tomorrow though, when the game releases, the reviews hit, and we can finally sit back and draw our own conclusions by doing what fighting gamers do best - beat the snot outta each other. There's little doubt Injustice: Gods Among Us won't allow us to do this well enough, being developed by NetherRealm Studios. But a good game is always better when you can find it for a great deal, and thankfully, there are a number of 'em running, including a still-available $10 store credit pre-order bonus from Amazon.
Along with Injustice: Gods Among Us, Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers is also available April 16th. 'Course, this is great news for Shin Megami Tensei fans, made better with the nice extra Atlus decided to include with the game - an arranged CD soundtrack featuring six songs voted for by fans. Retailers - including Amazon, Best Buy, and Gamestop - are referring to this CD as a pre-order bonus, and while pre-ordering is probably the best way to secure a copy, it looks more like the first (only?) print run of the game includes the soundtrack, so you may very well find this special packaging on store shelves.Last, but certainly not least - Pandora's Tower releases tomorrow! XSEED surprised many a Wii gamer by localizing this final installment of the original Operation Rainfall Trio, and while there's nothing in the way of special editions or pre-order bonuses or whatever, the fact the game is actually being released - and for $40, even - is cause for celebration. My only real concern for Pandora's Tower is the (possible) limited availablity - Amazon, Walmart, and Gamestop are all listing the title online, but other big retailers such as Best Buy and Toys R Us are not. Given this, plus the game release late in the Wii's life cycle (usually associated with a low print run), I'm not sure I'd wait too awful long before pulling the trigger on this one.