The game seems to get some steady process. Here are the recent updates of the Development Blog from late February:

Internal Beta 20-02-2007

  • New titlescreen
  • New Lava background
  • Bugfixes
  • First boss routine restored

Last big boss arrived!

Ealier this day we have recieved the last big boss from our gfx man! This means… all enemies are fully drawn and animated - it’s time to pull those into the game now.

Titlescreen [16-02-2007]

We are currently in progress to finalize the static titlescreen of the game. As soon as it’s completly finalized we are posting a screenshot and you guys can tell us what you think

Energy Bar [14-02-2007]

We have implemented an energy bar, this mean Giana will not die on first touch with an enemy. You still immediatly die if you touch fire, fall in a hole or if you go “swimming”. The game is getting much easier this way… don’t worry it will be still difficult enough
