Koch Media expects retailers to harvest plenty of sales from the upcoming console version of Farming Simulator 2013.
Heading to Xbox 360 and PS3 in September, the cult hit has sold more than 800,000 units globally since the PC SKU launched in November. It has been a regular in the UK PC Top 20 chart since release.
“The Farming Simulator brand continues to be a strong performer on PC, giving it a perfect platform to launch on Xbox 360 and PS3,” Koch Media’s head of sales and publishing Greg Whalley told MCV.
“The mass appeal lends itself well to console platforms and our aim is to secure broad distribution. Kids love to play farms and driving around in their favourite tractors, whilst the hardcore sim fan can delve deeper into the mechanics of running a farm.
“It is one of the most addictive simulation games on the market.”
Farming Simulator is one of many titles Koch is distributing in the UK on behalf of French publisher Focus Home Interactive.
Other upcoming PC titles include Pro Cycling Manager 2013, Magrunner and Mars: War Logs. Meanwhile, Tour de France 2013: 100th Edition will be released for Xbox 360 and PS3 in June.
