Codemasters has splashed the cash on its Grid 2 marketing campaign.
The upcoming racer is getting a bumper six-week online ad push, TV advertising with Virgin TV, and activity targeting tablet and smartphone users.
The publisher has also teamed up with 300 Esso garages, as part of a ‘text-to-win’ Rockstar drink promotion.
“We have our biggest UK pre-launch campaign ever and are investing significantly online for six weeks in the lead up to the launch,
across specialist, lifestyle and VOD digital media,” said Hayley Holland, brand director at Codemasters. “Our global placement strategy is to focus on ‘moving media’ - video placement, pre-rolls online and so on. We are letting the game speak for itself.”
Holland added: “We are also embarking on new tactics for Codemasters. The ‘second screen’ as an advertising channel has become more interesting. Data tells us that a majority of our target audience are using tablets and smartphones whilst watching TV. Three-quarters of them are searching online, via these devices, for content different than what is on TV.”
Codemasters’ investment in the campaign will double as of May 31st, once the game arrives at retail.