Revived retailer Blockbuster is set to stage a host of promotional events to celebrate the brand's return to the UK High Street.
The entertainment brand will kick off a programme of aggressive marketing this bank holiday, providing customers with a variety of offers designed to drive footfall and reintroduce shoppers to the Blockbuster brand.
Deals include the opportunity to rent any new movie release for one night for £1.99, whilst further offers will become available throughout the weekend.
Additionally, Blockbuster plans to extend its product offering to new markets, including music and books, which the firm believes will compliment its position as an entertainment retailer.
Blockbuster Managing Director Gary Warren said: “We are absolutely focused on building Blockbuster to be a long-term proposition."
"There is a very real gap in the market for an entertainment specialist and, with its strong brand recognition and heritage, Blockbuster is perfectly placed to capitalise on this."
"We are committed to supporting all of our 264 stores and hope to eventually grow the business and create jobs in the local area.”
Blockbuster was saved from administration last month as the brand was acquired by restructuring specialist Gordon Brothers Europe, saving 2,000 jobs and 264 Blockbuster stores.