via ps3fanboy

Let's have a little bit of a discussion to open this post. Graphics. Specifically, games like Ratchet & Clank... they look great for what they are -- is this a style of game (cartoonish, for lack of a better word) where the graphics have reached their zenith? Sure, you can add more crap on screen at once, individual blades of grass or fur or whatever... but you wouldn't want these to take on a "realistic" look, would you? What do you think? Is this the best you would want to see out of this style of... art?

Anyway, some scans have popped up on JeuxFrance depicting our two heroes utilizing some crazy weaponry, as usual. One of the pictures (not the one we're using) has what's called the Groovitron, which when fired, causes the enemy to begin dancing uncontrollably, lowering its guard. Nice. We all know that when people are dancing, their self-esteem is the most vulnerable. So, in essence, dancing does indeed cause people to have a lowered guard. Well played. Anyway, this game will probably have a few new bits of info released after the GDC.

Screens here