After several months of development we can now tell you that our new exploit for phat consoles is about to be launched.

- R-JTAG comes in two flavors – a starter kit and an ultimate kit with all the bells and whistles
- The first release will support Zephyr, Opus, Falcon, Jasper
- There will be a Xenon only version
- Boot speeds are similar to JTAG and RGH1 (from instaboot to 10 seconds)
- Full POST Monitoring with RATER and JRP v2
- Dual Nand works fantastic with the DemoN – especially for Stock / Hacked Nand setups
- No more need for RGH1/RGH2
- Works on the very latest dash/kernel versions
- Solid, reliable booting
Some comments posted by testers on the forums……..
- There are a extremely large portion of instant boots! considering RGH1 and RGH2 were beyond useless on this console – Its fu##in awesome!
- My Jasper has never taken more than 15 seconds to boot. I've been using it for months now with an older, unrefined version of the hack. So yeah, its pretty good.
- With RJTAG Falcons are now more reliable than Jaspers…..again. We're back to RGH1-type days.
- My Split CB Falcon would never boot with RGH2 – it now boots between 7 and 15 seconds every time
- Jasper 512 .. wouldn't boot at all with RGH2 – now check out my these Rater timings with RJTAG – WoW